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Conserving water at Vias Plage

The Astian aquifer:
a source of life and concern

Preserving water at Vias Plage: the vital issue of the Astian aquifer

Eco-vacancier explains why you need to save water!

Everyone knows we shouldn't waste water, but do we really know why?

Don't think that saving water is just about money.

Everyone knows we shouldn't waste water, but do we really know why?

Here at Vias Plage, in the Occitanie region of France, we draw our water from the Astian aquifer, a unique resource that is essential to local life. This natural reserve of fresh water, although renewable, is threatened by drought and over-consumption.

If we don't all make an effort to preserve this precious resource, it could disappear... with disastrous consequences for the whole region.

What is the Astienne aquifer?

Located in the Hérault department, the Astian aquifer is an underground water table that extends over 450 km² in the region of Béziers, Agde and Vias Plage.Its water flows slowly through the Astian sands, which naturally filter the water, giving it a high degree of purity.

Where does the water from the Astian aquifer come from?

The water in this aquifer comes directly from the rain that infiltrates the ground. Thanks to the fine sands of which it is composed, the Astienne aquifer acts as a natural filter, providing water of exceptional quality.

What is the water from the Astienne aquifer used for?

The Astienne aquifer is the sole source of drinking water for five coastal communities, as well as for the campsites located between Vias and Valras-Plage.

Every year, almost 5 million m³ of water are drawn from it, half of it during the summer, to meet the growing needs of local residents and holidaymakers.

From borehole to tap

To tap into this resource, underground boreholes are drilled to extract the water, which is then deferrified and purified before being distributed to the private network of Club Farret and neighbouring municipalities.

The dangers threatening the Astian aquifer

Although the Astienne aquifer is a precious resource for the whole of the Vias Plage region and the Hérault coastline, it is now in danger. Between repeated droughts, over-consumption of water and the risk of salt water intrusion, its balance is under threat.

With demand for water exploding during the summer, particularly due to the influx of tourists, it is becoming urgent to take action to preserve this nature reserve. Let's take a look at the main threats to the water table and their impact on our environment.

1. Drought

Climate change is exacerbating periods of drought and limiting the natural recharging of the water table. With winters getting less rain and summers getting hotter, water resources are becoming dangerously scarce.

2. Wasting water.

Every litre of water used unnecessarily accelerates the drying up of the water table. Increased consumption due to tourism is an aggravating factor, especially at the height of the summer season.

3. The risk of salt water intrusion

At the seaside, the lowering of the water table could lead to a rise in salt water, making the water unfit for consumption. This phenomenon is particularly dreaded in summer, when demand for water soars.

Drought in the Hérault: water restrictions and vigilance

As a logical consequence of the very hot weather in recent years, the Préfet de l'Hérault regularly issues orders restricting the use of water in the département. You need to be particularly vigilant about your water consumption to anticipate and avoid a situation that could lead to restrictions.

Mild winters with less rain and increasingly hot, dry summers are threatening the level of the Astienne water table.

Constantly rising consumption

Since the early 1980s, there has been a steady increase in the demand for water in the Astien region. There are several reasons for this trend:

  • population growth

  • the increase in tourist numbers along the coast,

  • a higher standard of living, with greater per capita water consumption (washing machines, dishwashers, swimming pools, etc.).

This trend, combined with increasingly frequent and severe droughts, is putting growing pressure on water resources.

Did you know that? In France, each person uses an average of 148 litres of water a day (source: planetoscope.com).

The measures applied at Club Farret

Water is essential to the running of the campsite: showers, sanitary facilities, swimming pools, watering... That's why Club Farret in Vias Plage is implementing a number of measures to reduce its water consumption:

  • Gradual replacement of natural grass with synthetic turf

  • Use of water-saving Mediterranean plants that require little water

  • Recycling water used to wash swimming pool filters for irrigation purposes

  • Regular monitoring of groundwater levels through SMETA surveys and prefectoral decrees

Let's work together to preserve water at Vias Plage!

Everyone can help to preserve the Astienne water table by doing a few simple things:

  • Don't let the water run unnecessarily

  • Take short showers

  • Water sparingly, preferably in cooler weather

  • Fill pools and ponds with common sense

Let's protect our resource for future generations! Every drop counts.

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Book your campsite rental at Vias Plage. Just a few kilometres from Cap d'Agde and the town of Sète, the Club Farret campsite welcomes you by the sea. In the Hérault, close to the Canal du Midi, enjoy a family holiday at your campsite in the South of France. Benefit from all the advantages of a 5-star campsite: direct access to the beach, heated swimming pool, swimming pool with slides, activities and entertainment... On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, our sailing club offers a wide range of activities: paddle, pedalo, jet ski, boat, buoy ride... It's easy to enjoy the beach, sunbathing or swimming. Discover our full range of bungalows for 2 to 6 people. In unique settings, rent our fully-equipped mobile homes for a weekend or a longer stay. Club Farret is the only campsite in Vias with sea-view pitches. For your convenience, arrivals are possible throughout the week.

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